Friday, May 29, 2009


It is amazing how beautiful poems can a deep serene effect on a soul.
Here is just one of the poems that when I first read it, I flew beneath the trees, felt the breeze blow in my face, and danced with the daffodils :)

by William Wordsworth

I wander’d lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crow d
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake,beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way
They stretch’d in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance

The waves beside them danced,but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in gle e
A poet could not be gay
In such a jocund company
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
When wealth the show to me had brought

For oft,when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood
They flash upon that inward e ye
Which is the bliss of solitude
And then my heart with pleasure fills
And dances with the daffodils

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

it's raining..

salam to all...

it's raining??

is it really raining??'s horribly hot out there!!Our house is located 'fooq khalis'~5th floor. So we spent our summer sunbathing only at our house.Apparently not at the beach.interesting rite??

Flies and mosquitoes are everywhere~what to do,egyptian flies like the nice smell person.not the smelly one.huhu.My quote " O~ flies, go back to where you belong." Where do they belong?? There's a coop just at our neighbouring building and at the same floor.People here in Egypt live in flats,so they keep their chickens and ducks at the rooftop.Definitely, there will be no ' chicken run' scene but the ' super flying hen' heroes is usually seen.haha. Luckyly, there's no such unpleasant smell coming from it.

So...what's up with raining??

" Almukmin kal ghais, aina waqa'a..nafa'a"

"Mukmin is like rain, where it drops it give benefits"

So everybody,
Exam = test = killer subject = let's struggle.huhu..
Allah = lord = eternal love = is always the first
conclusion- live the life and be sweet to others.

p/s: Rite, my first bad.haha.

ku telah terdemam cinta

onset:27hb may
terminate:8hb june
interval:12 days


suhu badan 39deg *kipaskipas*
tapi rasa sejuk *brrr*
batuk-batuk *koffkoff*
selseme *aachim!*
hidung lari *chayok!*
pandangan kabur *1+1=3?*
makan tak basah *splashsplash*
tidur tak kenyang *burpAlhamdulillah*
mandi tak lena *yawnsss*

aahhh.sengsaranya bila jatuh cinta..

cinta ape weh???

cinta Medik serangan virus Anatomy


Monday, May 25, 2009

the day after tomorrow [second edition]

gaya ayuan lagi penuh kesantunan mereka..uhuk2

mama husna diterbangkan khas dari dirasat

edisi jolap kanak2 belasan taon

~~yehh hidup senget!!~~

hidup rase makin bersinar2 dgn berakhirnya exam oral histo yang comel.berjalan pulang dengan rasa lapar ditambah kesilauan hari yang memancar dahi yg sedia ada menyilaukan.

menyedari tiada kunci rumah.memilih utk bersenang lenang di rumah insyirah sambil menunggu kakanda2 terchinta pulang.

perut mula menyanyikan lagu kerencong utk ana.tidak sedap rasa hingga akhirnya kak hau datang menjemput spt menjemput anak pulang tadika.patutlah maw ajak meneman ke ABCD bank rupanya.cet!

ooohh..di tepi pantai rupanya bank ini.pengeluaran fulus tidak berjaya kerna pakcik bank agak malas utk bekerja. namun kak hau tidak emo malahan tersenyum simpul mengajak memanjakan fundus dan pylorus. hanya mengikut setia.

1.00pm chun tempat ni.melangkah masuk dengan perasaan blur yg entah muncul dari mana.kak hau mengajak2 melihat tempat sekeliling dan...

HapPy BurrfDay ajue....

Hati yang agak2 mewarisi sedikit gene bulan 5 rase nak menangis..hahaha...siput sedut sgguh mereka tapi ia amat mengharukan.^_^

thanks fer
all the thoughts..

all da makans-makans..
all da cute greeny's stuffs..

n first and foremost..

all the lurve that we shared together..
moga ukhwah ini kekal kacak selamanya~^_*

kata penaja:tidak reti berjiwang spt mekcah
namun ini adelah dari hati paling dalam lagi mulus saat ini..=p

Sunday, May 24, 2009

the day after tomorrow

Thursday, May 21, 2009


salam'alaik u sume...

everybody get bored rite now..
nothing to do?
nothing to eat?
~errr...not so sure..(maybe u can ask bilik sebelah..)hek3
but then,why?
gonna miss sumthing?
yar..i know that..
it's all about histology..'s all about hitology :(
i'm proud to be 'histo_lover@ammurah'..yeke?:))
'we love histology'..that was what i'm trying to say..hahaha
(mood motivate dr sendiri)
am i right?
hahahhah..habeh la~
let's finish up our reading!
~superficial layer=shed off
~basal layer=slowly generate
arrgghhh..i'm depress!
how to overcome this feeling???anybody knows??

kosa kata hari ini:-
histology=super duper borim tahap xingt punyer subjek..

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

red is merah

Monday, May 18, 2009

bye2 Prison Break

Dengan ini kami mengumumkan bahawa series Prison Break telah sampai ke penghujungnya. Maka sebarang series tidak akan dilayan lagi sehinggalah tamatnya musim peperiksaan. (nada yakin + ye ke?) Alamak! Dah takde Michael Scofield lah pasnih. Ending series itu pun agak menyakitkan hati. Mana boleh hero mati. Macam mana nak sambung series lagi pasnih. Tu maksudnya citer tu da betol2 sampai ke penghujungnya. Maka berduka cita yang amatlah peminat2 Prison Break dalam rumah ni. Xyah cakap pn,anda tahu anda siapa...Waa...Maka misi seterusnya adalah menamatkan pembacaan2 yg sepatutnya untuk exam yg akan dtg. (tapi dlm kepala still terpikir cmne plak diorg leh pikir nak matikan hero kesayangan sume org tu? truly unfair~eish..Dah tade Prison Break,dah tade Michael Scofield tp Michael Jr. ade..haha..

p/s: nk pinJam brain Michael Scofield utk upcoming exam pn x boleh dah..he's dead already~

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Aku melihat
Dunia yang kian rapuh
Isi dunia yang usang
Bukan usang dimamah usia
Usang kerana huninya
Aku berjalan
Di atas jalan yang bersimpang
Bukan jua kerana salah ciptaanNya
Tapi lurus yang dibengkokkan huninya
Aku merasa
Rasa rindu yang melimpah ruah
Tapi bongkak mendiami hati
Aku membaca
Buta surat cinta kepada khalik
Aku mendengar
Seruan Ilahi,lalu aku rindu
Aku menabur kata-kata
Jelas bibirku kering
Lalu aku tinta kata-kata ini
Aku titipkan bait-bait rindu bersulamkan rasa kasihku
Jangan nanti aku terlewat hingga aku terlelap

Nukilan : 2.00 am, 16 Mei 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

MR EXAM Dearie… YOU drives us CRAZY!!!

Esok perang mula meletus. Hanya berbekal sebatang pen, berkajang kertas, serta sebiji otak sebesar dua penumbuk, (mungkin juga kidney dan heart sebesar penumbuk terlibat sama, diiringi suara versi guruh kilat ammu2 dan ammah2 arab )namun preparation yang berbulan,mari kita lihat contoh2 cases study, causes beserta diagnose yang berjaya dibuat.

Premis 1 : Tahun lepas time exam tengok Witch Yoo Hee
Premis 2 : Nak trim rambut sebab panas summerla…
Konklusi : Bakal trim rambut time summer looks alike Witch Yoo Hee
Motif & Diagnose : Menampakkan diri serupa Barbie doll (Personality Disorder Syndrome. Lesion in Personality Center, Area 9,10,11,12 Prefrontal Cortex)

Premis 1 : Michael Schofield… Mahu suami sepertinya untuk masa depan anak2 yang cemerlang
Premis 2 : Usaha tak cukup tanah, bilik bersepah buku merata otak macam dah nak gila!
Konklusi : Boleh tak pinjam otak Michael Schofield untuk exam kali ini jer?
Motif & Diagnose : Premis dan Konklusi tak berkaitan. Kes Particular terpencil. (Confusenisme with psychogenic distraction)

Premis 1 : Ngantuknye…Ape die jampi dinner tadi? Cam nak tongkat bijik mata dengan jari telunjuk rasa. Tadi dah rendam mata dengan minyak cap kapak
Premis 2 : Kawan2 ~ Jom pergi spa jom !
Konklusi : Demi mendapatkan bentuk badan yang segar dan dahi yang tak jendul, spa amat baik untuk kesihatan.
Motif & diagnose : Tapi susu musu, keju meju, yogurt mogurt tolak tepi~ (Hypocalcimea, decrease receptor potential with increase renin release)

Premis 1 : Arghhh… Syndrome exam! Jerawat tumbuh bertubi-tubi di wajah, yang geram sekali dipicit oleh orang sekeliling, terutamanya paling penggemar di bilik sebelah
Premis 2 : Arcalion berupa kapsul kaler oren sangat membantu Circadian Cycle.
Konklusi : Arcalion selain membantu proses pejam celik mata, mampu juga mencacatkan kulit wajah dengan parut2 hodoh
Motif & Diagnose : Mungkin bakal menapak jejak langkah ke spa berhampiran (Post Puberty Syndrome, prominently seen at adult age, with hyperhydrosis-possibility of Horner’s Syndrome)

Premis 1 : Kenapa semua orang berwajah sugul dan hari2 lemah tak bermaya ni?
Premis 2 : Amat rindu terhadap kampung halaman beserta ladang ternakan yang memerlukan belaian sepenuh perasaan
Konklusi : Hanya menunggu hari2 bahagia menjelma agar dapat bergotong royong membersih rumah serta menjenguk kesayangan yang kurang kasih sayang itu.
Motif & Diagnose : Mengalami condition animalsick tahap super. (Hypertension with increasing ABP, HR , Respiratory Rate , VD of Blood vessel)

Ini kisah klasik untuk masa depan. Tukang penglipurlara? Mestilah di kalangan mereka berlima! Anda terror anda teka~
(post ni sewajarnya dipublish sebelum exam, tp sbb intenet mengalami malfunction, maka terpaksa ditangguhkan setelah kami habis exam oral physio...xpela, kite layaaan jer~ )

Saturday, May 2, 2009

mari belajar


Def : Anger is completely normal human emotion.However when it gets out of control it can become destructive.Uncontrolled anger can lead to problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life.
Anger - one letter away from Danger!

What exactly is Anger?
Anger has been described as "An emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage".

What happens when I get angry?
Like other emotions, anger causes physiological and biological changes. When you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, and so do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenalin.

What causes people to get angry?
As we all know, anger can be caused by both external and internal events.
People get angry at a specific person (such as a co-worker or supervisor) or an event (a traffic jam, a cancelled flight).
People get angry at those not even involved in the situation.
Anger can be caused by worrying or brooding about personal problems - real or imagined.
Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.

How do people express anger?
The instinctive, natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively. Anger is a natural, adaptive response to threats. It inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviours.This allows us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival.However, you can't go around tearing off people arms and lashing out at every person or object that irritates or annoys you!

p/s: Apabila kamu sedang marah berdirilah jika kamu sedang duduk,duduklah jika kamu sedang berdiri.
Jika masih tidak dapat mengawal kemarahan kamu maka baringlah kamu.
Masih lagi tidak dapat menahan kemarahan maka ambillah wuduk.

Friday, May 1, 2009

exam fever..shivering and scarily cold

I wish the exam will be over soon..


I wish there will be no exam.

boycott exam~Yeay!!

berangan jela...first written paper pon tak start lagi

Suicidal.seriously.How physiology can bring crime to mankind.Stern facial expression,with thousand wrinkles..endeavour to remember all those enormous facts [ if only the final is McQ's..indahnyaa..]

sounds so exaggerate huh??exaggeration feels soo good.


Just give time to reflect.No,we are just starting to get more serious in study,since the final is just around the corner so nearly that bring tachycardia to all the people in the house right now.So much of wanting to be serious and focused.
Scary,sometimes the studied just breeze through the mind.If only Dr House can just lend me his brain only for this season..huhu..

Neglect the crap.Study should be with the purest soul and readily brain..

Ilmu itu suci