we have just finished our big examination today..yeay!
but then,we still have one paper to go..
it's psycology paper..
and now,
everyone is in the 'psyco' mood..
not so sure about that..
may be,thinking about the last xem,
make us being so tachycardia rite now..
(tringt lah plak jawapn2 merapu)hek3..
it's so funny..
starting from da practical,written and oral..
there's lots of stories happened
there's no much time to be sad..
that's the fact that we should know..
no such things can be done easily..
everythings need more effort,'doa' n 'tawakkal'..
especially when you're in the medical field..
Allah always be with us,remember that!
teruskan berjuang!
have a nice vacation
for those who gonna be fly soon..
bye2..rajin2kn dri anda mnge'post' ye..:
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