Sunday, April 5, 2009


hmm...seems like everybody get buzy wit stdy,let me continue ours 'journey'..setelah sekian lame blog nih tersadai...hek3
tersadai kekenyangankah??
ataupun dah xde org nk layan?
1st of all..thanx 4 my beloved sis..4 da chicken curry..
so yummy! like it! come to stat erk??anyone have an idea??

occay,once upon the the far2 away kingdom...huhuhu..[smbung sndiri la..]
actually,i really2 hate blogging..but,k.ngah/k.ros asked me to write sumthing...and
still now,i'm still not know what kind of story and gossip that can be shared..

now,winter is leaving us slowly without feel it..gudbye musim sejukkk..
sure,it would be missed...
and summer is coming day by day..
tetibe rs rndu pd winter....'s normal 4 human being...
missing for the past...likes me,which has a lot of history before...

okeyh..stop being jiwang2..hek3..
sorry eh k.ngah,we're different..totally different..
tapi ade jgak yg i right??

for those knowing me,especially my osmate yg bucuq2,don't forget me during stdy..
argghhh!!!! xem is around da corner!!!!
are u depress??? of course i do....
blh x klo xnk ambik xem??
~hmm...boleh..boleh blah...

ish..xboleh2..mummy said,[do ur best in ur repeat2..kalo nk balik lame]
waaa!!!! i'm gonna miss malaysia right now...
fuhh...thinking about da xem,make me want to cry...
but,don't forget my dear..
allah always be wit us...
whatever you are..

oklah..C U in da rite time and moment..