~me after being surprised by makhluk2 bernyawa d rumah~

happy family forever and ever~
hai guys..
should i explain what had happened to me??
first of all..i'm very2 thanked to all my beloved sis..
for the surprise party that was done and planned
i don't expect at all from the beginning
how come you did this to me...huk3(terharu)
you're not supposed to do like that..
nasib bek xde baling2 tepung.
hundred thousand smiles,the only things that i can give during that time..
hurmm nothing can say..'terima kasih' the only word come out from my heart..
really2 appreciate that!
about the dish..i like it very much..
thanks to ummu hurayyah..
for cik ungu,thanks for the toblerone..my beloved coc!
and the rest,thanks for organized that party for me..
the only one i wanna tell to you,i like that place!
hahah..sbb buat kat blik akk..xpyah kluar umah..
the most important here,i don't mind if there is no birthday party for me..
BUT the precious one is our ukhwahfillah..
lastly..do the best for our becoming xem..
hua3..talk about the exam..
makes me speechless..
p/s:ukhwah yg berlandaskan KEIMANAN adalah sebenar2 ukhwah apabila bertemu dan berpisah kerana ALLAH.

happy family forever and ever~
hai guys..
should i explain what had happened to me??
first of all..i'm very2 thanked to all my beloved sis..
for the surprise party that was done and planned
i don't expect at all from the beginning
how come you did this to me...huk3(terharu)
you're not supposed to do like that..
nasib bek xde baling2 tepung.
hundred thousand smiles,the only things that i can give during that time..
hurmm nothing can say..'terima kasih' the only word come out from my heart..
really2 appreciate that!
about the dish..i like it very much..
thanks to ummu hurayyah..
for cik ungu,thanks for the toblerone..my beloved coc!
and the rest,thanks for organized that party for me..
the only one i wanna tell to you,i like that place!
hahah..sbb buat kat blik akk..xpyah kluar umah..
the most important here,i don't mind if there is no birthday party for me..
BUT the precious one is our ukhwahfillah..
lastly..do the best for our becoming xem..
hua3..talk about the exam..
makes me speechless..
p/s:ukhwah yg berlandaskan KEIMANAN adalah sebenar2 ukhwah apabila bertemu dan berpisah kerana ALLAH.
-ummu hurayyah,my ex-osmate..bakal mnjadi ibu xlame lg...
-ummu hurayyah,my ex-osmate..bakal mnjadi ibu xlame lg...
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