Salam 1 Malaysia
(uit ape lak da naik harga gula minyak sekalian nak kena promo lagi ke?)
Silap... Salam kemerdekaan! (*fireworks2!)

Dengan berakhirnya oral Patho sebagai garis penamat larian pecutan selama 2 bulan tadi
Maka diisytihar berakhirlah segala tunggang langgang hidup selama ini
Alhamdulillah...terharu sungguh (sob3)
Agenda after exam ape geng?
wah2~ bersusun2!
Listed... check2!
Balik Malaysia (oh no!)
orang 1st balik sebab nak kahwinkan abang dia (penting gila dia nih)
Should now have you things packed
Otherwise you would be very kelam kabut keluar segala bagai syndrome nanti
well girls, we do have less then 24hours to bully her. (terbit tanduk di sini)
Welcome Malaysia! Well for the others, Hussein here we come!!!
Next on the list!
Labbaikallah...Hummalabbaik...Labbaikala syari kalakalabbaik...
Though our study period had end, she still pulling herself
Tawaf, khatam about 30 siries of umrah, mangulangkaji pelajaran2 berguna
Eh of course we'll miss our young nanny very3 much!
Especially teman coba-coba beside her room
And we sadly say our tulang ikan portion will be missing too (sayu di sini)
Welcome Haramain! May HIM granted her with everything she pray (jodoh included,together with result outcome~)
As usual, three of us left...
What to do?
Oh, simple daily routine life I guess
One of us has plan to finish all the Siamese drama put on the youtube
Kap khun kap~
Together with healthy lifestyle that she ought to do (which I barely believe whether berjalan or not...)
Jogging in the morning, spa in the evening, with attending ustaz class
Girls, lets hope and pray she did achieve her goal (tadah tangan semua...ameen~)
What about the other two?
Well, most likely one is busy planning the travelling thing
Go to Alex, Cairo, Matruh Siwa, shopping, gitar bla2
Which of course making her facial expression become more and more likely to wrinkle
It's okay~ Love to see her the way she is (puji2 sikit nanti dapat che mek molek supper nanti okay? puji2 )
And leave the one and only
Ajk perhubungan yeah!
I kindly help to keep all of you in touch with the socialising things
So all plan goes well and may you have safe trip journey
whatever it is
Still we've one thing similar ought to do
Let's us keep pray that Allah gives us najjah this year
Yakin ada nikmat dalam kesabaran
Yakin ada hikmat dalam penantian
Yakin ada tersirat dalam tersurat
Yakin denganNya
Jadikan hamba2Mu ini paling yakin dengan doa2
namun paling redha dengan ketentuanMu
Allah knows best, cause He's d best planner!
Bear in mind with that
May Allah grant our wish, the one that we pray almost every day
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