Friday, February 6, 2009

ngee...a NeW pOsT

greetings for everyone and warga rumah~ haa..seems dat berapa kerat jer yang ade bertapak kat rumah nie..masing2 sibuk dengan kerja..kerja apekah? almaklumlah ahli2 beit nih sibok2 belaka..a few days before nih,ktorg punye la plan( macam2 la yang dirancangnya~) guess what? Alhamdullillah, we did make some of the plan realized~aha..Here are the list:
1. Make a blog for our house(check)
2. Tidy up house(check)
3.Go to vacation
4.A new recipe
5.Bake the cake for our lovely baba(check)
6.Sewing( not in the list actually) ade la orang tu cakap nak jahit langsir for our lovely house nih..

So,those were things in our list..3 out of 6 were done.I guess it's okay'ie kaman will be done maybe in a few days from today..
But..there are some things that also not in our list,(a last minute preparation) > we went to damietta.. so coming soon stories from damietta..k..till then_assalamualaikum